1948 – Operation Order AOD – 12/48 – National Archives of Canada

TS 15-24-1 (DAO)



  1. AMTS Div. has been charged with the responsibility of having an investigation made of possible radar-radio sites at – 
  1. Dubwant Lake, NWT
  2. Baker Lane, NWT
  3. Coral Harbour, Southampton Island
  4. Cape Weggs, PQ
  5. Port Burwell, Lab
  6. Hopedale, Lab
  7. St. Anthony, Nfld.
  8. Technical personnel from the Department of Transport and a commercial electronic firm will undertake a physical and electronic survey of the foregoing sites and require transportation to them with a period of from two to five days at each.


  1. To provide, through the cooperation of the USN air transportation in 1948 to the sites referred to in para 1.



  1. The target date for the start of field operations is to be 15 Aug 48. Dates for assembly and actual start of operations are to be arranged between OC USN Canso Flight (Comdr. Lang), AOC ATC and D of T.


  1. To effect liaison between USN Flight who are providing air transportation and the various Canadian services and agencies the AOC ATC is to designate an experienced aircrew officer as liaison officer. The liaison officer is to assist in the planning and procurement of equipment for the flight. He is to accompany the USN OC throughout the flight.

Composition of Survey Party

  1. Present information indicates the survey party is to consist of 4 Department of Transport personnel and 2 commercial electronic technicians. Their combined weight with clothing and scientific equipment is estimated to be 3400 lbs.

Scale and Supply of Effort

  1. The USN has agreed to provide 3 Canso a/c with crews.

Command and Control

  1. OC USN Flight is to be responsible for all flying operations.
  2. AOC ATC through his Liaison Officer is to direct and coordinate this operation.


Equipment, Supplies and Accommodation

  1. AOC ATC is to arrange for all equipment, supplies (including rations) and accommodation, with the exception of technical equipment (as required).

Clearance for Survey of St. Anthony, Nfld.

  1. AMAP will obtain diplomatic clearance for the visit of the party to St. Anthony, Nfld.


  1. Expense in connection with this operation are to be charged to Vote 610.

Maps & Publications

  1. DASS/ASBR will provide such information or material as is required.

Signals & Briefing

  1. AOC ATC is to provide briefing on northern signals communications and signals as required.


  1. AOC ATC is to supply brief interim reports on the progress of the survey to AFHQ/AMTS.


  1. The code name of this operation is to be “WEGGS”.
  2. Normal channels of communications are to be used.
  3. Communications yielding the purpose, nature or findings of this operation are to be graded “SECRET”; communications with do not compromise these factors may be passed as unclassified.


Signed by:

(CL Annis) G/C
for CAS
