1997 – General History – The NBC Group

The radar station at Dana (site C-52), also known as Sagehill, was located 35 miles east of Saskatoon. Construction of RCAF Station Dana commenced in September 1961 and was all but completed in December 1962. The new Commanding Officer, Squadron Leader D.G. Bell-Irving, reported for duty at the prairie sentinel in October 1962 along with the arrival of an advance party. The station was declared operational on 3 February 1964 and was SAGE-capable prior to 45 AC&W Squadron becoming operational on 3 February 1964. As such, the station was equipped with the AN/FPS-26, AN/FPS-27, AN/FPS-507 radars as well as the FTS-2 Data Processor and the obligatory GATR site. RCAF Station Dana was supported by RCAF Station Saskatoon until it was closed in mid-1964. The station assumed a new identity as 45 Radar Squadron in 1964. 45 Radar Squadron originally reported to the Minot Sector, but later to the Great Falls and the 28th NORAD Region. One of the station’s height-finder ceased operation on 1 April 1965.

The first major change came on 21 February 1968 when, as a result of integration, the station’s name changed to Canadian Forces Station Dana. In 1983, as a result of the Canadian NORAD Region’s introduction of two Regional Operations Control Centers (ROCCs), CFS Dana became part of Canada West and they began reporting directly to North Bay.

In October 1984, CFS Dana was privy to a visit by Her Excellency the Governor General Madame Jeanne Sauve. This coincided with a visit to her home town of Prudhomme ten miles away. For both military and civilian personnel at Dana, March 1985 spelled the beginning of the end, as they were notified of the station closure. With the NORAD modernization program in the mid-eighties came the demise of 45 Radar Squadron, and during the summer of 1987, 45 Radar Squadron was disbanded.

–The NBC Group – Don Nicks, John Bradley, Chris Charland.

1988 – The Future of the Facilities – National Archives of Canada

The Future of the Facilities

The negative impact of the closures can be to a great extent offset if the radar station facilities are properly used after the closures. Each site has been offered by the federal government through Public Works Canada (PWC) to the other federal departments, to the provincial governments, and if there is no reversion clause, to municipalities and regional governments and finally to the private sector via public tender. Local communities have been formed at each location to help in search for a suitable alternative use of the facilities. Although matters tend to change rather often, the latest developments as of the beginning of March were as follows:CFS Dana

Over the last year several projects have been proposed and then dropped. Amongst them were a recreational facility, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center and an ethnic group center. However, the Sagehill Rural Development Corporation finally acquired the whole complex to act as a real estate developer. Using the existing shops, they want to turn some of the buildings into a multiuse technical training facility. They also want to buy time in the hope that users can be found to use part or all of the available facilities. For example, they may rent some space to the Briercrest Bible College people who also put a bid to acquire the station facilities.

This article was obtained from the National Archives of Canada. Unfortunately, there is no way of identifying the source since we were only provided with the appropriate detail pertaining to this station. The article appears to have been written in the summer of 1988.