Pinetree Progress Reports

National Archives of Canada

Pinetree Progress Reports
Report No. 7
Dated 15 February 1953

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Report Sources

This report is based on current issues of sources previously noted plus information direct from suppliers, RCAF and USAF personnel.

Interim Operation

Of seven USAF ADC sites (10 – Ramore, 14 – Pagwa, 15 – Armstrong, 16 – Sioux Lookout, 17 – Beausejour, 19 – Puntzi Mountain & 21 – Saskatoon Mountain) is estimated for 1 April 53. Interim operation for the remaining site (20 – Baldy Hughes) is estimated for 30 April 53. TPS-1D radars are being sent to these sites by the USAF. Interim communications will be provided by H.F. radio (see “Communications (ii)” below) and some line circuits.


Construction on some NEAC sites have been slowed due to weather conditions. Site 21, Saskatoon Mountain, was occupied on schedule by USAF personnel, 2 Feb 53.


(i) – Tie Lines: – No great changes in circuit status have been reported since last month.

(ii) – Provision for limited interim communication between the eight USAF ADC interior of Canada sites and their respective USAF air division HQS has been made. Several high frequency transmitters (AT-3) have been loaned by the RCAF to the USAF for this purpose. The necessary arrangements have been made for delivery from RCAF depots and the transmitters should be at the sites noted within a few weeks.

(iii) – Communications facilities at RCAF sites

a – Microwave

Phase 1 – St. Hubert – Lac St. Denis – Tests on 12 circuits completed. Results satisfactory. These equipments were tested as prototype installations. Tests form basis for release of additional microwave equipment.

Phase 2 – Foymount – St. Hubert – Buildings completed. Installation to commence approximately 15 Feb 53.

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Phase 3 – Mont Apica – St. Hubert – As above for phase 2.

Phase 4 – Edgar – St. Hubert – Buildings completed. Installation to commence approximately 15 Mar 53.

Phase 5 – Falconbridge – St. Hubert – Relay buildings 90% completed. Expect electronic installation to begin 1 May 53.

Phase 6 – Senneterre – St. Hubert via Falconbridge – Relay buildings 50% completed. Expect electronic installation to begin 1 May 53.

Phase 7 – Parent – St. Hubert via Falconbridge – Initial surveys completed. Land releases not yet obtained.

Phase 8 – Parent – St. Hubert via Mont Apica – Land releases obtained.

b – VHF air-ground-air communication and HF back-up communication equipment installation is progressing at sites 1 (Mont Apica), 2 (Lac St. Denis), 4 (Edgar) and 9 (Falconbridge). Work at site 3 (Foymount) is delayed due to non-completion of transmitter-receiver buildings.


(i) – Changes in nomenclature have been reported by RCAF AMC. Radar AN/TPS-10D will now be known as AN/TPS-502, Recorder LPR-1A-5 will now be known as “AN/GNH-501 Recorder/Reproducer Sound”. These changes were not received in time to be shown in the following pages. The Model 15 teletype is to be replaced by Model 28.

(ii) – Equipment Availability: – Numerous conferences and liaison with suppliers has resulted in a number of changes in the availability of major items. A revised availability list is included this month as well as a new chart showing estimated shipping dates from factory, by site. It is again emphasized that in most cases the dates shown on these tables are not firm and represent only the best possible estimates which can be made under the circumstances.

(iii) – Deliveries – Two Model 19 (Comm) teletypes have been shipped to each of Sites 6 and 11 (Ste. Marie and Halifax), three to Site 10 (Ramore) and two to Site 17 (Beausejour).

(iv) – Spares – Changes since last report are noted below:

Radar AN/FPS-3: – Complete spares list and equipment list now approved and returned to supplier. Depot spares will be ready for shipment in two to three months. It is expected major portion of operational spares will be shipped with main equipments.

Transmitter AN/FRT-501 – Spares list approved.

Transmitter AN/FRT-502, AN/FRT-503 – Proposed spares list now completed and being coordinated.

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(v) – Equipment Installation – RCAF Sites

Mont Apica – (Site 1) – Main radar complete and operating.

Lac St. Denis – (Site 2) – Main radar completed and operating.

Foymount (Site 3) – AN/FPS-3 radar is 100% and being checked as per test specifications. ISG-98 radar is 80%.

Edgar (Site 4) – AN/FPS-3 radar complete and ready for acceptance tests. ISG-98 radar is 50%.

Parent (Site 7) – AN/FPS-3 radar is 100% and under initial test and adjustment. Estimated ready for acceptance tests from 31 Mar 53 onward. ISG-98 radar is 30% complete and its operations building equipment is in position. ISG-98 monitor room equipment is positioned in towers and 75% of cable work is complete. No accurate forecast of completion as yet.

Senneterre (Site 8) – AN/FPS-3 radar is 90%. ISG-98 radar is 35%.

Falconbridge (Site 9) – AN/FPS-3 radar is 100%. Operational tests completed. ISG-98 radar is 100%. Operational tests underway.

No work started on others.

Installation Planning – Pinetree Engineering Group

(i) – Radio – Installation engineering plans and job specifications for the HF and VHF/UHF air-ground-air facilities are essentially complete and are in the process of assembly. All plans and specifications will be available for distribution by 1 Mar 53. Final completion of plans have been delayed pending a discussion as to the agency which is to accomplish the installation of antenna support structures.

(ii) – Radar – Engineering plans for installation of FPS-facility are complete and ready for distribution with the exception of site N-30 (Resolution Island). Engineering plans for installation of CPS-6B facility are essentially complete except for receipt of one additional drawing from CGE which is expected in the immediate future. Engineering plans for the TPS-502 (TPS-10D) are approximately 85% complete and have been assembled and placed in abeyance pending receipt of the final equipment bill of materials and installation instructions for the 22 ft. radome. Installation engineering plans for the AN/FPS-502 facility are for the present being held in abeyance. Installation engineering plans for the IFF facilities are in the process of compilation.

(iii) – Wire Facilities

a – Outside Plant: – Engineering plans and specifications for ADC sites are complete and available for distribution. Engineering plans and specifications for NEAC sites are complete with the exception of sites N-24 (Goose Bay) and N-30 (Resolution Island).

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b – Inside Plant: – Conferences have been held with the Engineering staff of the N.E. Co. to resolve problems affecting the final configuration of the NE 611 and NE 612 telephone systems. This action has resulted in a firm basis for production, which is presently underway.

(iv) – Installation: – The prime installation contractors have been provided with advanced copies of all available engineering plans and specifications to enable contractor planning and procurement of contractor furnished material.

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