Pinetree Progress Reports

National Archives of Canada

Pinetree Progress Reports
Report No. 15
Dated 15 October 1953

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(i) – RCAF Program

Limited operations are now being conducted at the following RCAF sites: Lac St. Denis, Mont Apica, Foymount, Edgar, Parent, Senneterre, and Falconbridge. Installation work on the FPS-3 is completed at Chatham with communications facilities available on VHF and Landline.. The status for the installation contract at Holberg has not changed since last month but it expected negotiations by DDP should be completed in two weeks time. Activation at Comox and Tofino is unchanged since last months report.

(ii) – Radar Extension Plan – Interior of Canada -*-

Ramore – AN/FPS-3 main radar installation is completed (less radome and pressurizing equipment) is accepted and operating. Outside telephone plant is completed and accepted. Inside plant is completed and accepted. Actual operational use of equipment in some instances is held up pending receipt of crystals which are to be supplied by using energy.

Pagwa – AN/FPS-3 main radar is completed, accepted and operating (less radome and pressurizing equipment). Progress on other facilities essentially the same as for Ramore.

Armstrong – AN/FPS-3 main radar installation progressing favorably with acceptance trails scheduled for on or about Oct 15th. Inside telephone plant scheduled for completion 15th Dec. Contractor advises extra personnel will be made available if necessary to meet this date. Outside telephone plant is 100% complete. Communications equipment – Antenna Farms nearing completion and equipment is underway.

Sioux Lookout – Progress essentially same as for Armstrong with inside telephone plant scheduled for completion 28th November.

Beausejour – AN/FPS-3 main radar is completed, including radome and pressurizing equipment. IFF equipment is installed and tested. Inside telephone plant scheduled for completion Oct 16th. Construction of outside telephone plant has been held up due to security clearance of Manitoba Telephone Company crew. Security clearance now approved and crew scheduled to start 19 Oct and finish 15 Nov. Communications equipment is 70% complete; scheduled for completion 30 Oct.

Puntzi Mountain – AN/FPS-3 main radar completed, with acceptance delayed due to breakdown of antenna gear box. Replacement has been ordered, it is expected that acceptance will be effected 30th Oct. Inside telephone plant scheduled for completion 23rd Oct. Outside telephone plant expected to be completed 30th Oct. Communications equipment scheduled for completion 15th Nov.

Baldy Hughes – AN/FPS-3 radar installation progress delayed due in part to deficiencies on tower. Installation inside telephone plant scheduled to begin Nov 15 with completion six weeks later. Outside telephone plant is approximately 40% complete.

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Saskatoon Mountain – AN/FPS-3 main radar 40% and progressing satisfactorily now, slippage at start due to non availability of technical crew by contractor. Inside telephone plant scheduled to start 9th Nov with completion in six weeks. Outside telephone plant 60% with finalization scheduled for 30th Oct. Communications equipment 60% complete with completion scheduled for 15th Nov.

Sydney – Flight tests have been completed and remaining installation is progressing satisfactorily. Equipment at this site could support limited operations now.

Moisie – Installation progressing satisfactorily with flight trials scheduled for late Oct.

Halifax and Ste. Marie – Installation progressing and it is expected present L.O. date will be met.

* – Where main radar is installed and operating prior to completion of communications equipment, interim a ground air circuits and land line facilities if required are supplied on a temporary basis.

(iii) – Radar Extension Plan – NEAC Area (Equipment Shipments)

During off loading operations and transportation to sites damage has been incurred to radar and communications equipments. The extent cannot be determined until the boxes have been opened and the equipment subjected to careful examination by qualified personnel.

Delays resulting from the above will be reflected in slippage’s on forecast L.O. dates. Further delays can also be expected in this area due to missing equipment and boxes off loaded at improper points.

Where damaged equipment cannot be supplied from depot or operating spares re-procurement may delay the implementation of the Pinetree Project.

The above applies particularly to equipment destined for N-23 (Stephenville) and until such time as an accurate check can be carried out to determine actual damage, no guarantee can be given that the forecast L.O. dates at this site will be met.

(iv) – Newfoundland Tail Cables – No changes since last report.

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Construction – Percentage of Completion – Sites N-25 to N-31 incl. – 15 Oct 53

Matrix showing percentage of completion.

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Matrix showing status of equipment.

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Matrix showing status of equipment.

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Matrix showing status of equipment.

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