Foymount, ON

1951 – AC&W Station – National Archives of Canada


S.19-78-2 (DSR/CO-ORD)

AC&W Station – FOYMOUNT, Ont.
Date of Visit – 28 May 51

General Review

  1. Construction of this station began in October, 1950, and has necessitated the construction of about three miles of access road in addition to normal construction.
  2. The station area is cleared and is accessible over poor gravel roads. Consideration must be given to improving the road to Eaganville as it will no doubt be impassable during spring break-up. Roads in the station area will require further work in the married quarters area upon completion of construction.
  3. The foundations of the Operations Building have been poured and considerable “fill” is required around one of the foundations for the towers. Foundations are expected to be completed by 15 Jun 51 but steel is not expected for these Operations Buildings until 1 Aug 51. It is anticipated that the Operations Building will be completed (i.e., ready for electronics) five months after erection of steel.
  4. Foundations are poured for combined Mess and combined Quarters. Steel is available for these buildings and the combined Mess has its steel erected and it is closed in. Estimated date of completion of combined Mess is 15 Sep 51 and of combined Quarters – 30 Oct 51.
  5. The three “Armco” huts are completed with the exception of floors, interior services and finish.
  6. Forty married quarters are started and are at various stages of completion. The remaining units are not started and await preparation of the area – the preparation entails considerable rock blasting and grading.
  7. The school is not started. Steel is being erected for the central heating plant and its completion is estimated by 1 Aug 51. The sewage disposal plant is not started. The pump house is not started and depends on design of water system.
  8. A suitable source of water is available at a lake approximately 2,000 feet from the station area. Plans must be drawn and approved for a supply line from this source to the station.
  9. Transmitter and Receiver Buildings have not been sited.


  1. Delivery of steel for the Operations Building will no doubt be a critical item. A decision must be given with respect to building or improving the road to the station from the town of Eaganville.


  1. It is recommended that steel be made available immediately to the contractor at this station so that he will experience no delays because of non-availability of steel.