Gap Fillers Detail
1958 – Programme for Radars – National Archives of Canada
Ottawa, Ont.
14 Oct 58Introduction
The Cabinet Defence Committee at its 121st meeting on 21 August 1958 agreed to recommend to Cabinet that approval in principle be given to the establishment of two heavy radars and six gap filler radars as a northward extension of the Pinetree Radar System. The two heavy radars will be at Moosonee, Ontario and at Chibougamau Quebec. The six gap filler radars will be located at La Tuque, Que., Lac-du-Loup, Que., Manton River, Ont., Biscotasing, Ont., Timmins, Ont., and Belle Terre, Que.Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to present a programme for the establishment of the two heavy radars and the six gap filler radars.Basic Assumptions
The following basic assumptions were made in preparing the programme and have been confirmed by CPC:
each of the radar locations will be a completely new site |
the construction sitings of the Moosonee and Chibougamau radars have been confirmed |
the construction sitings at the 6 gap filler radars have been confirmed |
the heavy radars and the gap fillers will for part of the SAGE system and will be adapted to the control of BOMARC missiles |
the heavy radars will have a growth potential to operate under Mode III conditions and the design of the Operations buildings (GCI Special as at Cold Lake) will provide for this potential |
the operational date for all radar sites will be 1 Mar 62 (this date will coincide with the operational date of the Ottawa SAGE Sector) |
all costs of the programme will be borne by Canada |
Programmed Items
The detailed programme for the major items appears in the following appendices:
App A – Construction.
App B – Telecom Equipment and Facilities
App C – Personnel Establishment
Personnel Manning and Training.
Those areas which require particular attention are discussed below.Sector Boundaries
Existing plans for the location of the Ottawa Sector boundaries place the Moosonee radar and the gap filler radars at Biscotasing and Timmins outside the Ottawa Sector. Since these radars will be internal inputs of the Ottawa Sector some revision of the sector boundaries appears necessary to ensure maximum usage of the coverage from these radars.Telecommunications
The provision and installation of telecom equipment and facilities present no major problems. Close adherence to the programme outlined in App B, however, will be necessary.Personnel Establishments and Training
Since the gap filler radars will operate unattended and will be maintained by personnel from their parent radars, only the personnel requirements for the two heavy radars need be considered. The personnel establishment for each of the heavy radar sites is 252, comprised of 11 officers, 156 airmen and 85 civilians.
No difficulty is anticipated in meeting the training requirements for personnel. However, since the programme represents an increase in total manpower, the airmen required must be available at the Manning Depot by 1 Aug 60 to permit selection prior to basic trade training courses.Consolidated Cost Estimates
The implementation of the programme is established to cost $37,216,488. A sample breakdown of the costs is shown in App E.
The cost of the programme will be borne by Canada.Conclusion
The programme outlined in the attached appendices will permit the two heavy radars and the six gap filler radars to be operational by 1 Mar 62.Recommendation
To meet the above operational date it is recommended that the programme be approved.
A – Construction
B – Telecommunication
C – Personnel Establishment
D – Personnel Training
E – Consolidated Cost Estimates
TO: S955-110
An itemized costing of the construction requirements generated by the establishment of the two heavy radar sites and the six gap filler radar sites appears below.
- Moosonee and Chibougamau – Heavy Radars
The construction costs of the Moosonee and Chibougamau sites will be approximately the same. The following per site costs apply:
Item Number | Description | Cost |
1 | Operations Building | $2,000,000 |
2 | Power Plant (1000 KW) | 370,000 |
3 | Fuel Storage | 75,000 |
4 | Water Supply Reservoir | 172,500 |
5 | Water Distribution | 144,000 |
6 | Transmitter Facilities – 1500 sq. ft. site – 50 KW 24 masts | 150,000 |
7 | Receiver Facilities – 1000 sq. ft. site – 10 KW 24 masts | 112,500 |
8 | UHF 10 KW Transmitter Facilities | 95,000 |
9 | Fencing of operational area and operations building | 175,000 |
10 | Roads | 350,000 |
11 | Parking Facilities | 75,000 |
12 | Gate and Guard House | 45,000 |
13 | Administration Building | 112,500 |
14 | Combined Mess | 275,000 |
15 | Combined Quarters | 600,000 |
16 | Hospital – 10 Bed | 150,000 |
17 | Recreation Hall | 450,000 |
18 | Central Heating Plant | 200,000 |
19 | CE Building | 75,000 |
20 | ME Building | 150,000 |
21 | Supply Building | 150,000 |
22 | Fire Hall | 90,000 |
23 | Inflammable Stores | 5,000 |
24 | Sewage Disposal Plant | 200,000 |
25 | Sewage Collection | 100,000 |
26 | ME Fuel Storage | 15,000 |
27 | Power Distribution and Street Lighting | 400,000 |
28 | Steam Distribution | 400,000 |
29 | Landscaping and Drainage | 100,000 |
30 | Sports Field | 3,000 |
31 | Ration Depot | 225,000 |
32 | PMQ’s (114) | 1,425,000 |
33 | School (6 classrooms) | 100,000 |
34 | Combined Chapel | 100,000 |
35 | Survey, soil analysis, design, & property acquisition | 322,234 |
TOTAL PER SITE – $9,491.734
La Tuque, Quebec – Gap Filler
Item Number | Description | Cost |
1 | Clearing and grading | $2,000 |
2 | Access Road | 20,000 |
3 | Power tie in to nearest commercial source | 82,000 |
4 | APU and power distribution | 17,000 |
5 | Pipe Line and fuel storage | 10,000 |
6 | Fencing | 2,000 |
7 | Electronics Building | 23,000 |
8 | Survey, soil analysis, design & construction contingencies | 15,600 |
TOTAL – $171,600
Lac du Loup, Quebec – Gap Filler
Item Number | Description | Cost |
1 | Clearing and grading | $1,000 |
2 | Access Road | 800 |
3 | Diesel and power distribution | 47,000 |
4 | Pipe Line and Fuel storage | 10,000 |
5 | Fencing | 2,000 |
6 | Electronics Building | 23,000 |
7 | Survey, soil analysis, design & construction contingencies | 8,380 |
TOTAL – $91,180
Manton River, Ont. – Gap Filler
Item Number | Description | Cost |
1 | Clearing and grading | $2,000 |
2 | Access Road | 18,000 |
3 | Tie in to commercial power | 20,000 |
4 | APU and power distribution | 17,000 |
5 | Pipe Line and fuel storage | 3,000 |
6 | Fencing | 1,900 |
7 | Electronics Building | 20,000 |
8 | Survey, soil analysis, design & construction contingencies | 8,190 |
TOTAL – $90,090
Biscotasing, Ont. – Gap Filler
Item Number | Description | Cost |
1 | Clearing and grading | $3,000 |
2 | Access Road | 45,000 |
3 | Diesel and power distribution | 51,000 |
4 | Pipe Line and fuel storage | 3,000 |
5 | Fencing | 1,500 |
6 | Electronics Building | 20,000 |
7 | Survey, soil analysis, design & construction contingencies | 12,350 |
TOTAL – $135,850
Timmins, Ont. – Gap Filler
Item Number | Description | Cost |
1 | Clearing and Grading | $3,000 |
2 | Unusual foundations conditions | 2,000 |
3 | Access Road | 5,000 |
4 | Tie in to commercial power | 32,000 |
5 | APU and power distribution | 17,000 |
6 | Pipe Line and fuel storage | 3,000 |
7 | Fencing | 1,500 |
8 | Electronics Building | 20,000 |
9 | Survey, soil analysis, design & construction contingencies | 6,350 |
TOTAL – $69,850
Belle Terre, Quebec – Gap Filler
Item Number | Description | Cost |
1 | Clearing and Grading | $500 |
2 | Access Road | 6,000 |
3 | Diesel and power distribution | 47,000 |
4 | Fencing | 2,000 |
5 | Electronics Building | 23,000 |
6 | Survey, soil analysis, design & construction contingencies | 7,000 |
TOTAL – $86,350
The phasing of the construction programme is shown below:
Site surveys, soil analysis and possible property acquisition | Sep 58 | Nov 58 | $702,338* | CCE |
Design, preparation of plans, specifications, contract award | Nov 58 | May 59 | CCE | |
Construction | Jun 59 | Dec 60 ** | $18,927,050 | CCE |
* – $78,000 of this amount has been approved and the balance is being processed.
** – Dec 60 is the date at which construction is to be completed to the extent that the installation of equipment can commence.