1959 – Chibougamau and Moosonee – National Archives of Canada

S10-100-80/5 (DCEC)
1 Oct 59

Air Officer Commanding,
Air Defence Command RCAF,
St. Hubert, PQ.

Pinetree Sites – Domestic Accommodation
RCAF Stations Chibougamau and Moosonee

  1. Reference is made to the discussion concerning domestic accommodation at Pinetree extension sites with F/L Machen ADC HQ during his recent visit to this headquarters.
  2. Domestic accommodation for the heavy radar stations at Chibougamau and Moosonee is designed for an establishment of 252 personnel which will support the SAGE concept of operation, scheduled to be put into effect 1 July 1963. This accommodation will be provided by 114 married quarters, 8 single officer quarters, 16 NCO single quarters and 46 double occupancy quarters for 92 Corporals and below.
  3. The Beneficial Occupancy Date, the date on which construction has advanced to the phase, whereby installation of Technical equipment may begin is 1 Aug 61 for both stations and they become operational with a manual capability 1 Nov 61. During the period of the manual capability or from 1 Nov 61 to 1 Jul 63, the establishment is increased to a total of 303, comprised of 22 officers, 201 airmen and 80 civilians. Additionally, from the BOD 1 Aug 61 to 1 Jul 63, the stations will be required to accommodate equipment installation and testing crews.
  4. It has been advised that the crew responsible for the installation of the 3 radar towers will consist of a maximum of ten persons and will be on the sites for a period of up to 10 weeks commencing 1 Aug 61. The crew installing the equipment in the SAGE Annex will have a maximum strength of 15 persons for 4 months and reduce to a maximum of 10 for an additional 3 months. This installation will commence at Moosonee 1 Feb 62 and at Chibougamau 1 Apr 62. There will also be a GATR installation crew of undetermined strength at both sites.
  5. It is understood that the planned build up of the station will commence in accordance with the following schedule:
  1. advance party July 61
  2. maintenance personnel Aug 61
  3. operators Sep 61
  1. The scheduled availability of messes and quarters is June 61 and of PMQ Sep 61. It is also possible that 50 beds will be available in the RCAF – owned contractor’s camp at Moosonee. This will be dependent upon the contractor’s accommodation requirements.
  2. The town of Chibougamau, because of its extent, may be able to provide some civilian accommodation, if the station’s facilities are overtaxed. However, indications are that at Moosonee, satisfactory accommodation in the town will be very limited.
  3. The foregoing description of available accommodation and possible overcrowding during the pre-SAGE period is forwarded for your consideration in planning the take-over of these sites.

Signed by:

(MW Gall) W/C
for CAS


(LV Carver) W/C