- The following is a status report on closure activities at 43 Radar Squadron Penhold.
- 43 Radar Squadron property is basically in two parcels – the main site comprising radar towers, operations and administration buildings and power plant and water distribution buildings; and the GATR site comprise of one building.
- The are no bidders active on purchase of the GATR site.
- The Atmospheric Division of Alberta Research Council (ARC) has been an active bidder for the main site. However, recent realignments in the Alberta Government and budget restraints appear to be placing this bid in some jeopardy. In spite of the lack of a formal acquisition by ARC of the site, the dismantling has proceeded on the assumption that ARC would acquire the site and selected pieces of equipment. These equipments have been left intact. They are:
- FPS-27 Antenna, turning gear, pedestal, low-power rotary joint and spares;
- FPS-27 Radome and air handling equipment and spares;
- Ea. 2 cabinets of FPS-27 equipment associated with SIF data processing;
- Ea. 2 UPX-14 SIF radars, spares and antenna;
- FYQ-47 Common Digitizer data processing equipment and spares;
- GPA-501 Coder/Decoder group and spares;
- Selected pieces of test equipment required for the maintenance of the above items; and
- External transformers supplying power to towers.
- The following is a brief status report on activity to date:
- All PBCs and PCB contaminated components have been removed from all equipments scheduled for disposal;
- All radioactive components removed and segregated from all equipments scheduled for disposal;
- GATR site equipment declared surplus scrap and being transported to CFB Penhold scrap compound. Removal of antenna, antenna cabling and poles is to begin as soon as frost conditions permit;
- FPS-6X Height Finder dismantled. The antenna is to be mounted at CFB Penhold as a monument to 43 Radar Squadron. SAVE list items have been shipped to CFS Barrington. The remainder was declared surplus scrap and is to be moved to CFB Penhold scrap compound soon;
- FPS-27 Dismantling well along – SAVE list items removed and authority received 4 Apr 86 to ship items to Supply depot after 21 Apr 86. Remaining to be dismantled is equipment in the high voltage vaults, cooling tower and equipment on first floor of tower. The second, third and fourth floors are stripped as is redundant equipment in radome. All scrap to date has been transported to CFB Penhold;
- SAGE Annex equipment, except items required by ARC, have been scrapped;
- Selected distribution account items returned to supply. The balance is being retained pending decision on ARC bid;
- Power plant untouched. Bids are being received for sale of the four turbines and no dismantling is being done pending sale of these turbines; and
- GPA-124 SIF equipment, UPA-62 Consoles, OA-1163 RAPPI and printer, and test equipment designated for return to USAF have been shipped.
(6) – All (four) civilians employed at the Squadron were reassigned to equivalent jobs at CFB Penhold.
(7) – We have had few problems and the ones we have had were more annoyances than anything. These are:
- preparation of PCB contaminated components for shipment. Conflicting advice or lack thereof complicated the procedure and actually resulted in our doing more work than was necessary. Pre-positioning of plastic packaging materials in various sizes and a plastic heat-sealing machine will save time. Sites should also take oil samples prior to dismantling as it could save needless expense and effort. Pre-positioning of barrels, etc. is also very important in order to avoid delays;
- Disposal of SAVE list items created a bottleneck in that a great deal of space was devoted to the storage of this equipment on site. This created difficulty in the dismantling process, PCB and radioactive material removal, etc. Sites should have instructions on where these items are to go before site closure if at all possible. This also applies to any spares, stocks, etc. to be returned to supply. Pre-positioning of packing materials is essential;
- Uncertainty of sale of sites. This is creating some problems in that the “want” list by the prospective buyer is extensive and involves most of the Squadron Distribution Accounts. Very few items on DAs have been returned and DA holders are getting nervous. I have tentatively set 1 May 86 as a decision point. If no sale advice is received by that date, I am going to begin returning DAs to supply;
- Sale of power plant turbines – the unit is unaware of any information pertaining to the sale of this equipment. It would be of some advantage to us to know the terms and especially cut off dates for bids and last date for removal of equipment.
(8) – The Squadron closure is not as complex as the closure of other radar stations in that the closure only involves the operational sites of 43 Radar Squadron. The Squadron is a little ahead of our own schedule for closure.
This detail was obtained from the National Archives of Canada. It appears to have been prepared in mid-April 1986.