0 Replies to “Images tagged "canada"”

  1. I was in Alsask from June 1978 to June 1981 inclusive
    Do you have a list of other military personnel in that
    same time frame??!!
    Just Curious

  2. Amazing restoration of history! I just might have to visit, but for another reason as well… I recently FOUND a Civil Defense Canada shoulder bag from what appears to be early 1950’s, complete with the first aid supplies, and some different sized magazines (empty of course!), two of which are stamped with the initials “BW” and “K.I.” (as I have spelled them is as I see them.) I tried to do an online search, but no pictures look identical or even close to mine, so I’d like to know a little more information about this item.
    Thank you.

  3. Station there from 1958 to 1960, looking to connect to anyone who was on crew one at that time.

  4. Do you have a record of people who were stationed there? I knew a Jim Richardson who was stationed there in approximately 1969-70. Lost track of him a couple of years later. Trying to locate him. No luck on social media. Thank you.

    1. The program was discontinued in 1996, however municipalities had the option to take them over from the government. I suspect that Winnipeg discontinued usage in 1996 as all large cities did. I suggest visiting the Winnipeg archives.

    2. There was one near Taylor and pembina behind where the Hockey Hutch and Cambrian Credit Union branch used to be. I remember them testing it once when I was a kid, it scared the hell out of me. I first lived 2 blocks away, then later into my early twenties 4 blocks from there. I both banked at that Cambrian, and often went to Hockey Hutch.


  6. On Nov 9, 1965 the air raid siren in Peterborough went off when the power shut down. I was in the nurses residence of PCH. Looking out over the city and seeing only blackness, we thought we were under attack. It was terrifying and sheer chaos.

  7. I was posted at CFS Yorkton from 1984 until station closing. I was a radar tech working in the ‘search’ tower with Sgt. ‘Stretch’ Hill, Mcpl Tom Hardy, Greg Catley and many others. I also was a volunteer firefighter working under fire chief PO (or P2?) Ennis.
    Spent many times at the other ranks mess with MSE ops Norm Brown and Andy Deveau and most of the other ranks posted there.

  8. I remember my Army Cadet Unit, the 19th Alberta Dragoons, being taken on a tour of this bunker around 1977 or 1978, when I was a lad of 16 or 17, when the bunker was still active. I remember going down a very long winding staircase that I think must of taken us down at least 10 stories and maybe as much as 20 or more stories to an area not much bigger than my house. I remember seeing workspaces, a small kitchen, and I think a sleeping areas with bunk beds. One thing that sticks in my mind from this tour of over 45 years ago, was seeing large bookshelves full of paperback novels that I guess was there to give the people in the bunker something to occupy their minds when not at work until conditions outside the bunker became safe after a nuclear strike. Thankfully this bunker never had to be used for this purpose.

  9. Good Afternoon,

    I am with The Army Museum Halifax Citadel (Nova Scotia) and have a Report from the Ontario Civilian Defence Committee Conference January 1943 and wonder if this would be of interest to you. We could send it via mail as it is a soft cover paper publication.

    – Chara

    Collections Management

  10. i was in Yorkton 1967-72 again in 1977 as senior PERI
    after serving 5 years in Yorkton i didnt want to spend
    another five so took my discharge
    i enjoyed my first time around great Posting many