Pinetree Progress Reports

National Archives of Canada

Pinetree Progress Reports
Report No. 12
Dated 15 July 1953

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On all sites except Site 25 (Gander) through to Site 31 (Frobisher Bay) construction has reached completion or near-completion and will no longer be reported. If required, detailed construction progress information on all sites is available from Pinetree Office.

Interim Operation

A lash-up program using TPS-1D radar facilities is in operation at USAF sites 10 (Ramore), 14 (Pagwa), 15 (Armstrong), 16 (Sioux Lookout), 17 (Beausejour), 19 (Puntzi Mountain), 20 (Baldy Hughes) and 21 (Saskatoon Mountain).

Limited Operations

Limited operations dates on some sites will probably be revised later this month.

(i) – RCAF

Sites 1 (Mont Apica) and 2 (Lac St. Denis) began limited operations in Jul 52.

Sites 3 (Foymount), 4 (Edgar) and 9 (Falconbridge) began limited operations in Jun 53.

Sites 7 (Parent) and 8 (Senneterre) began limited operations in Jul 53.

(ii) – USAF

Sites 10 (Ramore) and 14 (Pagwa) should be conducting limited operations early in August. The main radar is ready to operate but is awaiting operating spares and flight tests.


The detailed report on Radar Extension Plan equipment availability will no longer include items on which complete requirements have been shipped from the suppliers to Newark or to sites. Items on which complete requirements have already been shipped are shown on pp. 8-10 of Report No. 11 dated 15 Jun 53. Shipments completed since this last report are noted on this month’s list.


(i) – Tie Lines: – All circuits contracted for with Bell Telephone Co. of Canada are in service or on a “customer advise” basis of a 30-day call-up period. No reports were received from other landline contractors this month.

(ii) – Tail Cables & “N” Carrier Systems in Newfoundland – Provisioning of these is progressing.

(iii) – Communications facilities at RCAF sites

a – Microwave

Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 – St. Hubert to Lac St. Denis, Foymount, Mont Apica, and Edgar – Completed to presently available.

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Phase 5 – Falconbridge – St. Hubert – Installation to peacetime scale to be completed 24 Jul 53.

Phase 6 – Senneterre – St. Hubert via Falconbridge – Installation scheduled for Sep 53.

Phase 7 – Parent – St. Hubert via Falconbridge – Telecommunications installations to commence Oct 53.

Phase 8 – Parent – St. Hubert via Mont Apica – Telecommunications installations to commence Oct 53.

b – VHF air-ground-air and HF back-up communications

Site 1 – Mont Apica – Completed.

Site 2 – Lac St. Denis – Completed.

Site 3 – Foymount – VHF completed.

Site 4 – Edgar – Completed.

Site 5 – Chatham – Engineering 95% completed.

Site 7 – Parent – No report. 15 May report estimated completion 15 Jul 53.

Site 8 – Senneterre – No change. Interim installation was to have been completed 15 May 53.

Site 9 – Falconbridge – To be completed 15 Jul 53.

Installation – (See also Bar Chart on page 4)

Installation of all facilities necessary to achieve limited operation has been complete at Ramore (site 10) and Pagwa (site 14). Acceptance of prime radar facility is being delayed pending arrival of minimum spare parts as required to support continued operation. Spare parts are expected on site prior to 1 August 1953. Installation of either prime radar or secondary communications facilities is in progress at C-17 (Beausejour), C-19 (Puntzi Mountain), N-24 (Goose Bay), N-26 (St. Anthony), N-27 (Cartwright), N-28 (Hopedale) and Sydney (C-34). Installation crews are expected to arrive at N-25 (Gander) and C-15 (Armstrong) by 15 Jul 53 and C-16 (Sioux Lookout) by 15 Aug 53.

Installation Engineering – Telecommunication Engineering Group


Engineering plans and specifications detailing the installation of HF Point-to-Point and UHF-VHF air/ground facilities for the 18 USAF-financed, USAF-manned Pinetree sites, including Gander, have been completed and distributed to all installation contractors and affected military agencies. The Canadian Marconi Company Ltd., is engaged in the installation engineering of the LF antenna sites and has made progress in this regard. Since decision has been made to construct the additional transmitter site at Goose Bay engineering and installation is proceeding as originally planned.

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Engineering plans and specifications for the prime radar and associated identification facilities, with the exception of engineering plans and specifications for the AN/FPS-502 radar and its associated identification component have been completed and fully distributed to the installation contractors concerned and to all affected military agencies. As stated in our report of Apr 53, installation engineering action on the AN/FPS-502 and associated IFF is being held in abeyance pending further information as to the configuration of this equipment.


(i) – Outside Plant:

All engineering plans and specifications detailing the installation of the outside plant facilities at all USAF-financed, USAF-manned sites, including Gander, have been completed and distributed to all interested agencies.

(ii) – Inside Plant:

The NE-612 (EW) telephone system is being produced at the Northern Electric Company plant and all necessary engineering on this system has been completed (three have been shipped). Engineering on the NE-611 telephone system is now under way with no major problems anticipated.

(iii) – Tail Cables:

Circuit requirement and transmission studies are in progress. Detail engineering is being accomplished by CNT and survey crews are on site.

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