Pinetree Progress Reports

National Archives of Canada

Pinetree Progress Reports
Report No. 18
Dated 15 January 1954

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The present status of RCAF sites is indicated in Table I. The sites are manned and financed by the RCAF.


Site Name Primary Radar Equipment Primary Equipment Delivery Radar Completion Date Communications Completion Date L.O. Date
Mont Apica AN/CPS-6B Complete

in use
Lac St. Denis AN/CPS-6B Complete

in use
Foymount AN/FPS-3 & AN/ISG-98 Complete

in use
Edgar AN/FPS-3 & AN/ISG-98 Complete

in use
Chatham AN/FPS-3 & AN/ISG-98 Complete

Sep 54

in use
Parent AN/FPS-3 & AN/ISG-98 Complete

in use
Senneterre AN/FPS-3 & AN/ISG-98 Complete

in use
Falconbridge AN/FPS-3 & AN/ISG-98 Complete

in use
Holberg AN/FPS-3 & AN/TPS-502 Complete


28 Feb 54

Mar 54

Mar 54
Comox AN/FPS-502


3rd quart. 55

3rd quart.54

Last qrt. 55

Dec 54

Dec 55

Dec 54

Tofino AN/FPS-502


3rd quart. 55

3rd quart. 54

Last qrt. 55

Dec 54

Dec 55

Dec 54

NOTE: Lack of temporary power connection, completion of tower roof and forms for cable entry delayed electronic installation at Holberg. AN/TPS-502 delivery scheduled for June 54, installation 3rd quarter 54.

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Previous schedule for Comox and Tofino was predicted on delivery of RCAF order of FPS-502 Radars following immediately the completion of Pinetree Project Contract AF 33(600)-6294. However, since RCAF are awaiting results of prototype tests` scheduled for June 54, prior to contract action it will not be possible to complete these FPS-502 installations before the 4th Quarter 1955.

3. RADAR EXTENSION PLAN – Interior of Canada


Sites C-10 (Ramore), C-14 (Pagwa), C-15 (Armstrong), C-16 (Sioux Lookout), C-17 (Beausejour), C-19 (Puntzi Mountain), C-20 (Baldy Hughes) and C-21 (Saskatoon Mountain).

AN/FPS-3 and IFF

Work has progressed on clean-up of minor deficiencies during the past month where material has been available. Generally the status is as detailed in Report No. 17 dated 15 Dec 53 and equipments are carrying out normal operations.


Communication facilities at these sites should soon reach 100% with shipments this month of remaining items of AN/FRT-503 equipments.


Sites R6 (Ste. Marie), R11 (Halifax), R33 (Moisie), R34 (Sydney)

The installations at the AN/CPS-6B sites R-6 (Ste. Marie) and R-11 (Halifax) are progressing satisfactorily with L.O. scheduled for March 54. The status of installation for sites R-33 (Moisie) and R-34 (Sydney) is similar to that mentioned above covering USAF.ADC sites. Work has commenced on Outside Telephone Plant at site R-33 (Moisie)


a –

N-22 – St. John’s – Radar & IFF – Corrective action being taken on anchor bolts for the AN/CPS-6B tower. Equipment for stationary portion of tower on site, rotating portion in transit. Tower installation crew expected when anchor bolts have been correctly located. Shipments of electronic equipment are satisfactory.

Radio – Installation progressing, approximately 40% complete.

Outside Plant – Complete except for minor deficiencies.

Inside Plant – Scheduled to start 1 Apr 54.

N-23 – Stephenville – Radar & IFF – Stationary and rotating portions have been completed, side panels are being installed. Electronic equipment in process of unpacking and placement, cabling commenced.

Radio – Installation progressing. Facilities necessary for maintaining L.O. will be available by 6 Feb 54.

Outside Plant – Work held up temporarily but estimate completion by 6 Feb 54.

Inside Plant – Installation to commence 1 Feb 54.

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N-24 – Goose Bay – Radar & IFF – Complete with minor deficiencies, testing in progress.

Radio – All available equipment has been installed and testing in progress.

Outside Plant – Complete.

Inside Plant – Essentially complete.

N-25 – Gander, N-26 – St. Anthony, N-27 – Cartwright, N-28 – Hopedale and N-31 – Frobisher

AN/FPS-3 and IFF – Installations essentially complete and capable of normal operations. These sites have either been accepted officially or covered by interim acceptance to enable the using agency to effect operational status.

Radio – Communication facilities with exception of L.F. circuits essentially completed with outstanding equipment on order or in transit to the sites.

Outside Plant – Facilities have been completed.

Inside Plant – Facilities have been completed.

N-29 – Saglek – AN/FPS-3 & IFF – Nearing completion. Primary source power failure caused set back. Expect completion by 31 Jan 54.

Radio – Status same as for sites N-25, N-26, N-27, N-28 and N-31 above.

Outside Plant – Plant complete.

Inside Plant – Plant complete.

N-30 – Resolution Island – Electronic Installation is dependent upon construction progress.


No change in status. Same facilities available Feb 54 with completion estimated 1 May 54.


Engineering progressing. Equipment tenders have been received and are under review.


Construction – Site surveys of the relay stations along the southern portion of the proposed route between Goose Bay and Gander have been completed. Construction at sites 117 and 118 is approximately 85% complete. Design work on towers, buildings and ropeways for the remaining sites is proceeding. Preparation of site plans and a study of logistic problems involved in the 1954 construction programmer are underway.

Equipment – Prototype of 2000 m/c equipment is expected to start April and be completed by 1 July 54. Ancillary items at Canadian Marconi Company are being phased with the above.

Note: – In view of the proposed “Scatter” installation, Pinetree Project Office is undertaking a study of the Microwave programme with the Prime Contractor to determine to what extent construction can e delayed without prejudice to the target date of Sep 55.


Tropospheric Scatter System

A letter contract has been received from USAF authorizing the installation of a Microwave System based on the “Tropospheric Scatter” principle. It is intended to install the stations of this system throughout NEAC Area at present radar sites to prove operational suitability of the overall system. This proposed system utilizes long haul high power stations. Installation is planned for completion during 1954 and will be carried out by Bell Telephone Company of Canada as Prime Contractor.

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Facilities Percentage Complete Estimated Date Complete
Operations Building 44 31 Aug 54
Towers – Main Tower #1 30F 30 Jun 54
Towers – Back-up #2 25E 30 Jun 54
Towers – Back-up #3 5E 30 Jun 54
Transmitter Building 0 30 Jun 54
Receiver Building 0 15 Aug 54
Central Heating 90 31 Aug 54
Power Plant 67 31 Aug 54
Barrack & Mess Buildings 18 15 Aug 54
Supply Buildings 66 30 Jun 54
Garage 17 15 Aug 54
Water Supply 95 31 Jul 54
Sewage 2 31 Jul 54
Hospital 77 15 Aug 54

F = Percentage of foundation complete (no steel erection)

E = Percentage of tower erection (foundation complete)

Estimated date completion for station – 31 Aug 54.


a –

AN/CPS-6B – Delivery of electronic material for N-24 (Goose Bay) complete. Delivery to remaining sites to meet L.O. dates. Spares covered under section 6 (b).

AN/FPS-3 – Complete with exception of 17 indicators and minor test equipments. Indicators now ready and shipment to some sites has been made. Expect to complete shipments by Jan 31 to all ADC sites, none required by NEAC. Outstanding test equipments being shipped as manufacture is completed, final unit is scheduled for Feb 54.

AN/FPS-502 – Production scheduled Oct 54 – Feb 55.

AN/TPS-502 – Providing prototype is accepted by design authority prior to 15 Feb, 2 production units are scheduled for Feb 54 with completion by Oct 54. Information at this date indicates this schedule can be maintained.

AN/GPA (?)Video Mapping Units – Scheduled delivery of 5 per month starting Feb 54. First 12 for Pinetree, remaining production allocated on a 50/50 basis, Canada-USAF until Canadian requirements completed.

AN/GPX(502) – Allocation of USAF Government Furnished Equipment portion confirmed. Delivery expected April 54.

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Radomes – Production units and depot spares being delivered to meet Pinetree Project Office requirements.

Telephone Equipment – Completed to all sites with exception of equipment for ADCC at N-22A.

AN/FRT-503 – Blowers and cabinets shipped. This completes all AN/FRT-503 equipments.

RecordersReproducer Sound – No contract as yet between USAF and Canadian Commercial Corporation but detailed requirement has been passed to USAF for contractual action.

De-IcingType 30 Towers – Procurement action by Department of Defence Production under way.

Pressure, EquipmentType 30 Towers – Delivery satisfactory.

NOTE: – All USAF Government Furnished Equipment damaged by water on USS Bondia has now been replaced with the exception of facsimile equipment. No delivery forecast for facsimile is available.


AN/CPS-6BOperating Spares – Shipment being made concurrent with main equipments. It is anticipated the major portion of operating spares will be on sites by L.O. dates. Special arrangements have been set up by the contractor in conjunction with Pinetree Project Office for expeditious handling of emergency items that have not been delivered by L.O. date.

Depot Spares – Partial shipment already delivered to Rome (USAF) and Weston (RCAF) depots. Major portion will be complete by March 31.

AN/FPS-3 Operating Spares – Shipped.

Depot Spare – Shipment to Rome and Weston depots commenced Dec 53, completion estimated Feb 54.

AN/FPS-502Operating Spares – Concurrent with main equipment.

Depot Spares – Shipment to Rome and Weston depots commenced Dec 53, completion estimated Feb 54.

AN/TPS-502Operating Spares – To be concurrent with main equipments.

Depot Spares – Feb – Dec 54, Rome and Weston depots.

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AN/FRT-504Operating Spares – Major portion shipped, balance by Feb 54.

Depot Spares – Major portion shipped to Rome depot, balance by Feb 54.

AN/FRT-501Operating Spares – 24 sets (2 per station) shipped. Remaining 20 sets April – May 54.

Depot Spares – For 24 sets shipped to Weston, remaining spares for 20 sets scheduled April – May 54.

AN/FRT-502Operating Spares – Shipped.

Depot Spares – Scheduled Jan 54 for Rome and Weston depots.

AN/FRT-503Operating Spares – Shipped.

Depot Spares – Scheduled Jan 54 for Rome and Weston depots.

AS/5003/U – VHF Antenna – no spares.

AF/URG-60Operating Spares – Shipped.

Depot Spares – Shipments complete to both Rome and Weston depots.

TH-41BOperating Spares – 34 kits shipped.

Depot Spares – Major portion shipped to Rome depot.

DDR – 2 (TMC)Operating Spares – Partial kits shipped all sites, balance schedule for Jan 54.

Depot Spares – Scheduled for shipment to Rome Jan 54.

XFK (TMC)Operating Spares – Shipped.

Depot Spares – Scheduled to be shipped to Rome Jan 54.

CR-91AOperating Spares – Shipped.

Depot Spares – Shipments to Rome and Weston depots scheduled for Jan 54.


Operating Spares – For all equipment in this category have been shipped to sites.

Depot Spares – Held at Rome depot.

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