Pinetree Progress Reports

National Archives of Canada

Pinetree Progress Reports
Report No. 27
Dated 15 October 1954

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a – Eastern Sites (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9)

Main radar, IFF, internal telephone, air/ground/air and ground communications have been in operational use for more than a year Permanent back-up height-finder and back-up search radar facilities will be installed as available. At Site 5 (Chatham), temporary communications are being used until completion of permanent facilities in Jan 55.

b – Western Sites (Nos. 18, 35 and 36)

Of these three sites only Holberg (C-18) is operating (less the main radar IFF). Temporary radio communications are in use until the permanent facilities are completed in Nov 54. The internal telephone plant is completed. Completion of the outside plant will be delayed by some weeks. Installation start date of the height-finder (AN/TPS-502) is dependant on tower roof repairs, for which no contract has been let as yet. Comox and Tofino (C-35 and C-36) will not have permanent main search facilities (AN/FPS-502) available until the third quarter of 1955 but temporary search facilities are to be provided by AN/CPS-5D radars on loan from USAF. The height-finder (AN/TPS-502) at each site is scheduled for installation before the end of this year. Radio communications are scheduled for completion at both sites by 15 Nov 54, although at Tofino permanent outside telephone plant will not be available until Jan 55. (A lash-up outside plant will serve Tofino receiver and transmitter sites). Outside plant at Comox is completed. Internal telephone plant at Comox is substantially completed and about 50% completed at Tofino.

2. RADAR EXTENSION PLAN – Interior of Canada


Sites C-10 (Ramore), C-14 (Pagwa), C-15 (Armstrong), C-16 (Sioux Lookout), C-17 (Beausejour), C-19 (Puntzi Mountain), C-20 (Baldy Hughes) and C-21 (Saskatoon Mountain).

All eight sites are in operation, with the exception of height-finders (AN/TPS-502) and back-up search radars (AN/FPS-502). Installation of the height-finders will follow repairs to tower roofs which should be finished in Nov and Dec 54. Back-up search facilities are scheduled for installation early in 1955.

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b – RCAF Manned

Sites R6 (Ste. Marie), R11 (Halifax), R33 (Moisie), R34 (Sydney)

All sites are engaged in limited operations.

Ste. Marie – (R-6) – Main radar (AN/CPS-6B) operating. Early warning (third sail) modification kit installation is to begin Jan 55. Back-up search radar (AN/FPS-502) is scheduled r delivery in Feb 55 and back-up height-finder (AN/TPS-502) installation should start early in Dec 54. Permanent radio and telephone communications are now installed.

Halifax – (R-11) – The main radar (AN/CPS-6B) is operating and its early warning modification is scheduled to begin the latter part of this month (Oct 54). The back-up height-finder (AN/TPS-502) installation is estimated to start late in Nov 54. The back-up search facility (AN/FPS-502) will be delivered in Feb 55. Permanent radio and telephone facilities are now installed.

Moisie – (Clarke City) – (R-33) and Sydney – R-34) – Main radars (AN/FPS-3) and communications completed and operating. Back-up search radars (AN/FPS-502) are due for delivery in Jan 55. Height-finder (AN/TPS-502) is operating at Sydney and will be installed at Moisie as the tower roof is repaired, which should be by the end of this month.

RADAR EXTENSON PLAN – Newfoundland and Labrador Sites(Nos.22 to 31 inclusive)

Site N-30 (Resolution Island), the tenth and last station of this group to become activated, began limited operation this month. At N-29 (Saglek) a severe ice storm resulted in a collapsed radome and subsequent loss of the main radar there. Replacement equipment has been shipped to Westover Air Base for airlift to N-29 (Saglek) and it is estimated repairs should be completed within 72 hours of the receipt of the parts. This should be done before the end of this month. Radio communication at N-29 (Saglek) previously reported in error as completed is actually being completed this month.

Back-up search radar (AN/FPS-502) delivery schedules to six far northern sites (N-26 St. Anthony to N-31 Frobisher Bay) have slipped somewhat, with the first delivery now scheduled for N-30 (Resolution Island) in Nov 54 and the other six in Dec 54. Antennas and pressurizing equipment have been delivered. Pressurizing equipment has been installed at N-24 (Goose Bay) and N-29 (Saglek).

All height-finders (AN/TPS-502) have been delivered and installation has started at sites N-23 (Stephenville), N-24 (Goose Bay) N-25 (Gander) N-27 Cartwright), N-28 (Hopedale), N-29 (Saglek), and N-31 (Frobisher Bay). Pressurizing equipment is installed at N-26 (St. Anthony). Installation should be completed at N-26 (St. Anthony) and N-30 (Resolution Island) in Nov 54. At N-22 (St. John’s), it should be completed in Dec 54.

At sites N-26 (St. Anthony) to N-31 (Frobisher Bat) inclusive modification of outside power and telephone plant is still being carried out. The work is being done to minimize storm damage to pole lines.

Third sail modification (early warning) kit has been installed at N-23 (Stephenville) and N-24 (Goose Bay). It is also to be delivered to N-22 (St. John’s) in early Nov 54 with installation following shortly after in late Nov or early Dec 54.

The low frequency radio program should be completed by 31 Oct 54. Present status is as follows:

N-22 St. John’s Estimated complete 31 Oct 54
N-23 Stephenville Installation completed except for minor work which should be finished by 31 Oct 54.
N-24 Goose Bay Estimated complete 31 Oct 54.
N-26 St. Anthony Installation completed.
N-27 Cartwright Installation completed except de-icing system.
N-28 Hopedale Installation completed except de-icing system.
N-29 Saglek Estimated complete 31 Oct 54.
N-30 Resolution Island Estimated complete 31 Oct 54.
N-31 Frobisher Bay Estimated complete Oct 54.

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4. REP TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT – STATUS (Outstanding equipment only. All others delivered).

AN/CPS-6B – Completed except for some operating spares and a portion of depot spares. Third sail modification (early warning kits) have been shipped to Site B-23 (Stephenville), N-24 (Goose Bay) and R-11 (Halifax). Deliveries to N-22 (St. John’s) and R-6 (Ste. Marie) will follow in Nov and Dec respectively.

AN/TPS-502 – All 22 sets shipped complete with operating spares. Depot spares should be available by Dec 54.

AN/FPS-502 – Delivery forecasts for first part of program have slipped but increased production schedule should finish deliveries, as previously reported, in Feb 55. Forecast now provides for one unit in Nov 54, eight in Dec 54, eight in Jan 55 and last five in Feb 55.

AN/GPA-30 – Video Mapping Unit – No further information since last month. Information at that time noted prototype approval was expected by 30 Sep 54 and that delivery forecast called for five per month beginning first of Feb 55. The first 12 units are scheduled for Pinetree and the remainder allocated 50-50 between Canada and USA.

IFF – Only outstanding item for all IFF equipments is the AS/295-UP antennas for AN/CPS-6B third sail modification and the IFF for the AN/FPS-502 search radar. These antennas have been allotted to Pinetree and should be delivered by mid-Dec 54. Those for the third sails will be sent direct to sites and those for the AN/FPS-502 will be sent to Canadian Arsenals Ltd. For delivery.

Recorders – Canadian Commercial Corporation requisition passed to Department of Defence Production which is processing it and compiling a contract report.

Type 30 Tower Equipment

(i) – Only one type of junction boxes delivered. Other type (EYS-76) and floodlights for all sites to be shipped latter part of this month.

(ii) – Lamp banks for de-icing – all shipped.


a – Tail Cables – Tail cables at St. John’s (N-22) , Stephenville (N-23) and Gander N-25) are completed except for minor deficiencies and the cable to Gander microwave terminal.

b – Carrier System – Installation was to have started at Pepperrell the latter part of Sep 54 on certain items. Installation of unattended repeaters will begin as soon as buildings finished. Tools and installation equipment being delivered.

Carrier and associated equipment -Deliveries of all equipment for Pepperrell have been made to St. John’s, with the exception of minor items and alarms. All 40 unattended repeater cabinets have been received. Delivery of remaining 17 repeater units should have been made by end of Sep 54.

Power Plants – Transformers and power line hardware have been shipped to Gander. Orders have been placed for terminal ringing generators. Drawings have been prepared of contractor-supplied miscellaneous stores.

Buildings – The Gander (N-25) building extension has been approved and an order placed. All small repeater buildings have been erected and work has begun on Whitbourne, Gander (N-25) and Grand Falls buildings.

Transmission – Field tests are continuing in conjunction with outside cable splicing and preparation of test routine is continuing.

Outside Plant – Splicing of auxiliary cable stubs at repeater points is continuing. Adverse weather is beginning to affect progress and is expected to have greater effect as winter approaches.

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c – Microwave System – Work is progressing on the microwave prototype test link and some portions of the equipment have been shipped to the test site. The remainder is due for delivery by the end of Oct 54. The building at Chambly is practically ready for equipment installation but due to the delay in the delivery of the prototype 2000 mc. Equipment and the antenna, completion of a test link will not be possible until some time in Nov 54. The final design of prototype equipment will be available by 31 Oct 54. This includes order wire equipment but may not include fault alarm equipment.

d – Tropospheric Scatter System – Pole Vault


Sites N-22 (St. John’s), N-23 (Stephenville) and N-25 (Gander) – Contracts for N-22 (St. John’s) and N-23 (Stephenville) have been awarded to Allied Construction Company. The camp has been completed and construction work has started.

Site N-24 (Goose Bay) – The equipment building has been completed and is ready for installation crews. Foundations for both the diesel building and the antennas have been completed and erection work has started on both.

Site N-25 (Gander) – Construction contract has been awarded to Pentagon Construction Company. Work on roads is essentially completed; the camp is ready and construction work has begun.

Site N-26 (St. Anthony) – The equipment building is now complete and installation work begins immediately. Foundations for both diesel building and antennas are 75% complete.

Site N-27 (Cartwright) – The equipment building is now complete and ready for installation work. The foundation for diesel buildings are complete and erection has started. Foundations for the antenna are almost finished (90%) and erection is ready to start.

Site N-28 (Hopedale) – Equipment building completed. Diesel building foundation completed and erections started. One antenna is complete and the other is 50% complete.

Site N-29 (Saglek) – The equipment building has been completed and installation begins immediately. The diesel building is 75% finished and the antenna foundations are half-completed.

Site N-30 (Resolution Island) – Equipment building is 10% erected and diesel building is half finished. One antenna is complete and the other is 50%.

Site N-31 (Frobisher Bay) – Equipment building has been finished and installation has started. The diesel building is half-completed and corridor construction is under way. Two antennas completely erected.

Equipment – All radio equipment from REL has been delivered to sites. The power equipment has been 90% delivered and the balance is in transit. Ninety per cent of the multiplex equipment has been delivered and the remainder is being expedited. Antennas have been delivered to all sites except N-22 (St. John’s), N-23 (Stephenville) and N-25 (Gander), which will have them delivered by end of Oct 54.

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